
Where do we go from here?

‘Where do we go from here?’ was the title of a public seminar on future challenges held at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art as an offshoot of the UN’s international climate summit, COP15, held in Denmark. The seminar addressed the critical challenges of our imminent future and different perspectives on how to tackle them.

‘Where do we go from here?’ features contributions and discussion papers from designers, engineers, architects, philosophers, curators and artists. Not least, it contains more than 50 “definitions”, written by contemporary artists, defining their sense of the future.

The seminar was organized in collaboration with BMW and saw participation by Olafur Eliasson, Shilpa Gupta, Ann Kristin Lislegaard, Sissel Tolaas, Matthias Schuler, Ulrich Kranz, Kredse Wesling, Patricia Urquiola, Peter Weibel, Hans Ulrich Obrist and Peter Sloterdijk.

  • Where do we go from here?
  • Af Peter Sloterdijk, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Poul Erik Tøjner m.fl.
  • Udgivelse: 15. september 2010
  • Udgivet i samarbejde med Louisiana
  • Indbundet
  • Grafisk design: Søren Damstedt, Trefold
  • Sidetal: 136
  • ISBN: 978-87-92596-35-2
  • Udgave/oplag: 1/1